Monday, August 25, 2008

Kopi Luwak: The Exotic Coffee

Coffee from civet waste??! Yikes!
Have you heard Kopi Luwak? I have, but not lucky enough to taste it!

“Kopi” is the Indonesian word for coffee. And “Luwak” is a local name of the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). This kind of civet eat raw coffee berries as one of their normal diet. After passed through their digestive tract, the beans will be proccess to be coffee Luwak.

The civets eat the berries, but the beans inside pass through their system undigested. The enzyme in the stomach of the civet add flavor to the coffee by breaking down the protein that give the coffee its bitter taste. The beans are defecated still covered in some inner layers of the berry. The beans are washed, and given only a light roast so as to not destroy the complex flavors that develop through the process.

In early days the local natives gather up the limited amount of the Luwak processed parchment coffee, remove the parchment shell, and ultimately ship it to the coffee broker. Wild civet are hard to find nowadays. So now they captured civets, fed them raw berries, collect the waste produced then proccess it. But no need to worry, kopi luwak undergoes sterilization process to get rid of viruses, bacteria, molds and mildews before packaging. So it is safe and hygiene. It's only your mind that sends you a wrong message and prevent you from tasting and savoring the unique aromatic taste and distinguishable its roasting smell.

Anyway, do you know what the most expensive coffee in the world? Yup! You’re right.
Kopi Luwak. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, selling for between $120 and $600 USD per pound. One small cafe, in Queensland, Australia has Kopi Luwak coffee on the menu at $48.00 USD per cup.

What makes kopi luwak worth the exorbitant price according to coffee connoiseur Chris Rubin?
The aroma is rich and strong, and the coffee is incredibly full bodied, almost syrupy. It's thick with a hint of chocolate, and lingers on the tongue with a long, clean aftertaste. It's definitely one of the most interesting and unusual cups I've ever had.

Kopi Luwak is special… like no other coffee.
It is an exoctic coffee….

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